Wish I would have thought like this at that time.Today I think that was the greatest mistake of my life. If not,I would have turned my career to different dimension, would have been in different path. Child psychology with different circumstances might have enforced me as well.
Classes from morning to evening with just a 30 minute break, extra classes in holidays, loads of homework, tight discipline; all these things were creating a kind of distraction towards that School so called Boarding School. Every evening, a kind of relief, pleasure, excitement used to overwhelm as if I have thrown 100 kg load from my back but with the next sunrise, these excitement,pleasure meter used to fall down to ZERO.Days were passing by with same story. Dashain & Tihar, for me, were just a festive of Homework, passing the whole day doing just homework, keeping pencil between the fingers, eyes in book , Watching friends in Sportive mood from by terrace .हिटलर जस्तै लाग्दथ्यो मलाई स्कुलको प्रधानध्यापक. I was in class 5 at that time. At that time Government school children used to answer " म पाँचमा पढ्ने हो" and students from Boarding school " म फाईभमा पढ्ने हो" for the same question " कति कक्षामा पढ्ने हो तिमि??." So it was the demarcating line between boarding and School students. Principle Hitler decided we are going to give 8 class district level exam from the government school where he was involved too. I was in dilemma whether I am studying in Class 5 or in भारु Class 5. But I was so excited to give the exam though and passed as well. And I have to answer a great question ahead on my way whether to jump to class 6 or to class 9.
I thought class 9 would be great. Class 9 in early age, freedom from the Hitler cage, who cares for future!
Finally the way changed. I was on my way to "म नौमा पढ्ने".First day in class 9, in school, is still so vivid in my mind. Class 9, a hall of more than 100 students, a long blackboard from one corner to another, almost 15 to 20 min break after each class. I was so surprised and was in simply wow mood. I found my self so relaxed.Sometime used to entertain big gang fight within the school premises even sometime within the class.Though I forget my Roll no., but I guess, it was in the line of 110 or 120. I was enjoying fully those days. I was among the students with less height, few boys used to enlist me in बठां group. But now,"hey boys! come and watch me, i'm 5.9."LOL. डर देखाऊने नि सिमा हुन्छ तर बोडिंगमा, Previously in Boarding school, I used to go to school with my mum, in case of one day absence, so as to escape from the fear of लाठ्ठि चार्ज. But now in school, who was there to care my head in between hundreds of head. .
Care free environment in school didn't last long. After all my parents were there to look after me. My parent hired a residential tutor Gyan Bikram BK. It was a challenge though. BK tutor in Brahman house. But in fact, he was among the honest, loyal helpful man I have ever seen in my life. But his way of teaching was quite different.He used to give emphasis to greater practice, rote learning rather learning by understanding. I was growing up, adding class, with fragile base." लाटोको देशमा गाडो तन्नेरी"a Nepali Idiom came true on me, later my roll no became 4 in class 10, leaving more than 100 students behind. Now my entertainment routine was just opposite than that of boarding school. Pressure at home while relax at school. I used to walk so fast to school and so slow back to home.I used to take almost an hour to have dinner.Sir used to cry from his room " निला कँहा हो तिमि?? खाना खान पनि कति ढिला गरेको हो तिमिले।" He used to punished differently than that of Boarding. Exercise,If not done as per his instruction, he used to increase the number of times saying "do it 3 times, do that 4 times". I still remember I have suffered the punishment so badly in TRIGONOMETRY exercise.
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